Project ImPACT

Project ImPACT (Improving Parents As Communication Teachers) is an evidence-based parent-mediated intervention program based on best practices in early intervention.

  • Teaches core social communication skills in a developmental framework
  • Uses a blend of developmental and ABA teaching strategies within play and daily caregiving routines
  • Uses effective parent coaching and engagement strategies to help parents learn and use the intervention
  • Includes elements to support community use, including detailed procedures, family-friendly materials, and two flexible delivery models.

Project ImPACT is a 12-week program that can be delivered as an individual or group coaching model.  In both models, sessions focus on helping parents learn new strategies to teach their child new social communication skills and manage their child’s behaviour.

  • The parent, child, and coach meet twice per week for 60-90 minute sessions for 12 weeks. 
  • Sessions can be completed in-person or virtually.
  • The parent attends six, 2-hours parent-only group sessions, and meet with the child and coach for six, 1-hour individual coaching sessions.  Group and individual sessions alternate weekly for 12 weeks.
  • The availability of the group coaching model is dependent on enrollment.
  • The coach and parent work together to set child goals, learn and practice, strategies and problem solve in the areas of social, communication, imitation and play.
  • Between sessions, parents practice what they learn to teach their child new skills

For more information please visit the Project ImPACT website or review these Frequently Asked Questions in the Project-ImPACT-Overview-Parent Handout.

ConnectWell offers Project ImPACT in partnership with Maltby Centre.

To register, or if you have any questions about these programs, contact the intake team at the Maltby Centre via email at or by calling (613) 546-8535 x 5426.

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