Smoking Cessation

Smoking Cessation Support

ConnectWell Community Health clients can receive support to stop smoking with the assistance of members of their primary health care team. ConnectWell Community Health participates in the Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients program (STOP) in partnership with the Canadian Association of Mental Health and the Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation in partnership with the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT):

ConnectWell Community Health- Primary Care Team will work with clients to become smoke free.  Clients have the ability to access up to 26 weeks of nicotine replacement therapy coupled with individual counselling and support. NRT is provided through the STOP program.

For more information, please call:

ConnectWell Community Health- Lanark Site (613) 259-2182 or Toll-Free – (866) 762-0496.

ConnectWell Community Health- Renfrew County Site (613)-582-3685.

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