Community Volunteer Income Tax Program

A free income tax program run by community volunteers, In partnership with Canada Revenue Agency

Do you struggle with doing your income tax? Would you like help in filing your tax return?

Community Volunteer Income Tax Program

ConnectWell, in partnership with Canada Revenue Agency, is running the Free Community Volunteer Income Tax Program throughout Lanark County/Renfrew County again this year. Members of the community, who have a modest income, can have their income tax returns prepared and e-filed by one of our registered, trained and skilled volunteers.

Program is run year round via telephone. In March and April of each year we offer in person clinics for those who would prefer in person. There will be NO DROP OFFS accepted at our main office in Carleton Place or at any of our locations.

Filing income tax is essential in order to receive benefits such as GST/HST credits, Child Tax Benefit, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Working Income Tax Benefit, Provincial Benefits (Trillium) or in order to apply for Social Housing programs, Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program.

When you are ready to file your taxes over the phone or in person, please have available;

For more information, please call 613-257-7619 ext. 3105 or 1-866-257-7618 ext. 3105.
You may also register to have your taxes completed with our online registration form.

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