Behaviour Development Program

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The Behaviour Development Program (BDP) works with the key people or caregivers in the child’s or adult’s life.  Using a mediator model, consultants teach and model new skills and ways of responding that will encourage positive behaviour change.

We provide consultation to agencies/service providers who support adults with Intellectual Disabilities in residential and day programs.

We collaborate with Autism Services to support programming for children with Autism under the age of 18 years.

In addition to behaviour consultation, we provide:

  • Assessment for Dementia
  • Sexuality Education Training
  • Psychological Screening for youth/adults for application to Developmental Services Ontario
  • Group services
  • Parent and Service Provider training on understanding Behaviour

We provide behaviour consultation in the child/adult’s natural environment, such as home, childcare, congregate care, day program.  In collaboration with the parents, caregivers and/or service providers, we establish behaviour goals and objectives to increase positive behaviour.  A Behaviour Support Plan or Management Strategies may be developed and monitored based on individual’s needs.  Our Consulting Psychologist provides ongoing clinical supervision to the team of consultants.

  • A Behaviour Consultant will connect with the parent/caregiver to give an overview of the service, complete an Intake Assessment, Social History, Service Agreement/Consents and discuss specific behaviour goals.
  • We offer in-person, e.g. meeting in child/adults natural environment or at ConnectWell offices, and virtual services, e.g. Zoom.
  • Based on observation, assessment and information gathered we will develop a Behaviour Support Plan or Management Strategies with goals and objectives for behaviour change.
  • The Plan/Strategies will be based on least intrusive procedures and best practices. It will build on the child/adults existing strengths and focus on increasing skill development.  We will use positive reinforcement to encourage positive behaviour change.
  • The Behaviour consultant will model, teach parents/caregivers strategies for supporting their child/adult to encourage positive behaviour.
  • Changing behaviour takes time. We will work together to take small, manageable steps to attain goals.
  • Residents of Lanark County and the town of Smiths Falls
  • Community Agencies within Lanark County/Town of SF who support adults with Intellectual Disability
  • Anyone over the age of 2 that has been diagnosed with an Intellectual Disability OR a child between ages 2-6 who is determined at risk, e.g. pending diagnosis, exhibiting delays in development, exhibiting problem behaviours.

The child or adult may:

  • Build skills that can increase confidence, relationships and independence.
  • Be able to participate more fully in the community
  • Improve quality of life.

The parent/caregiver may:

  • Further Develop positive relationship and interactions with the child/adult
  • Increase confidence and feel more effective in encouraging positive behaviour change

If you are a parent, school, childcare, service provider, medical professional, or community agency, please reach out to talk about our services. We accept referrals from any individual or group with parental consent.

Reasons for a referral may include:

  • Skill Development
  • Self-Regulation
  • Increasing compliance
  • Aggression
  • Self-Injurious Behaviour

Behaviour Referral Form

For more information about our services, please call our Carleton Place site at ConnectWell Community Health at 613-257-7121 or toll-free at 800-667-2617.

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