ABA (Applied Behavioural Analysis)

ABA services are offered as part of our ConnectWell Autism Services Team and are eligible expenses for Ontario Autism Program funding.

Our ABA team of highly qualified professionals is composed of Behaviour Analysts (BCBAs), Autism Therapists and Program Assistants. Our team is further supported by a Family Support Co-ordinator, and Group Services Coordinator.

What we offer

Finding the right service that fits can be a daunting task. We can help you prioritize; determine what skills you want to focus on and decide on what type of service is most beneficial.

At ConnectWell we offer a unique service based on a child/youth’s specific strength & needs. We will help you develop a behavioural plan of service for your child. Service may be consultation, individual, group or a combination.

All our services can be provided in-person or virtually.


A Skills Assessment is a process of gathering information through various means, such as conducting interviews, observing individuals within their natural settings, or directly testing skill levels. 

Assessments can be very targeted & specific, or can be completed from a larger scope, such as one whole domain, or multiple domains.

Assessments can be a stand-alone service for caregivers to gain valuable insight about their child’s skills or can be completed to inform the Individual Service Plan of an individual who is entering active service.

Direct Consultation Services

Our consultation service involves working with the family to develop strategies based upon the child/youth’s identified area of need. This may be a one time consult or brief consultation service package.

Initial consultation could involve information gathering about your child. All consultations include a summary report with suggestions outlined and include a one month follow up appointment.

Community Consultation

Do you work in a school, daycare or community setting and require some behavioural support or consultation? This service is intended to offer you a professional consultation with a Behaviour Analyst and provide you with a report to help you better understand and effectively address needs in your workplace.

Individual Service

This service allows for an ABA professional to work along with you on your chosen goals.

Individual service will include some form of assessment to measure strengths and needs. This process informs an individual behavioural program for the child/youth.

Assessment and programming are designed and overseen by Behaviour Analysts.  Therapists work directly with the child/youth to develop skills and provide guidance and support to parents and caregivers.  The level of intensity of service is highly individualized and based on a variety of factors.

Group Service

ConnectWell group services are short term and small group, with high ratio support. All groups are clinically supervised to assist your child/youth to be accommodated to participate successfully. Through assessment, our clinical team will help you to determine which group service is best suited for your child’s goals. Group services can assist in developing play, social and leisure skills, self regulation, communication skills and activities of daily living.

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