Urgent Response Services

Urgent Response Services (URS) is funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP). Connectwell Community Health partners with KidsInclusive, Kingston Health Sciences Centre, to provide this service within Lanark, Leeds and Grenville counties.

URS focuses on supporting autistic children and youth who are experiencing a specific, urgent need and whose family wants support to help stabilize the situation, prevent crisis, and reduce risk. Eligible families can receive short term services and support which are specifically designed to address a behavior of concern. Team members may include a URS Coordinator, Behaviour Consultant, Behavior Analyst, Registered Social Worker, Respite Coordinator and Psychologist.

URS may include up to 12 weeks of:

  • Short-term interdisciplinary consultation to a child/youth’s family and other professionals who may be working with the child and family
  • Respite services
  • Direct support to the family and/or professionals involved to implement behavioral and therapy strategies with the child/youth using a mediator model approach
  • Service Navigation

The URS Coordinator will complete an Intake Assessment to determine eligibility, develop and oversee the service plan and provide service navigation to other services within or outside of the OAP.

To be eligible for URS, your child must be

  • registered with the OAP
  • experiencing one or more key high-risk factors that have started or worsened in the last 14 days

High-risk factors include:

Aggressionviolent thinkingharm to animalsself-injurious behaviorinappropriate sexual behavior
property destructionfire settingrisk of exploitationsuicidal thoughts or behaviorflight risk

Children and youth registered in the OAP can access urgent response services while receiving other OAP services and supports.

For more information about registration for Urgent Response Services in Lanark, Leeds and Grenville, please connect with our partner agency, KidsInclusive, Kingston Health Sciences Centre. Urgent Response Service – KidsInclusive

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